About the Artist
Evelyn Nicole Lefèvre-Sandt is 45 years old and married. She’s painting, since she was 4 years old an she learns painting only of her own. She works on her paintings always in the night, so it’s not surprising, that her work arise in black and white. She had many exhibitions in Germany, Suisse, Austria, Italy and France and in the year 2005 she became award the European Art Award in Strasbourg and , at the first of March in 2015, she was awarding wish the international Art-Award „SANDRO BOTTICELLI PRIZE“ in Florence. The specialized press, who wrote about Lefèvre-Sandt’s work seems…. “Into her mysterious pictures she shows us a world without time and space, an behind the thoughts. She make our dreams illustrate. And the rhythm changes an that’s the pressure of sudden. And these sudden makes the allure of these paintings”….
Fine Artist
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price:
Media: Size: Year of creation: Category: Paintings, Drawings, Mixed Media Price: